



煤矸石双齿辊破碎机是一种常用的煤矸石处理设备,它具有简单的结构和高效的破碎能力,被广泛应用于煤矸石的破碎和处理过程中。 煤矸石双齿辊破碎机主要 煤矸石双齿辊破碎机结构组成和设备优点 煤矸石双齿辊破碎机是一种常用的煤矸石处理设备,它具有简单的结构和高效的破碎能力,被广泛应用于煤矸石的破碎和处理过程中。 煤矸石双齿辊破碎机主要


齿辊式破碎机技术规范书(最终版) 百度文库

进入破碎机的燃煤均经过除铁,但仍可能有少量铁件、木材、矸石和杂物等。 破碎机室内布置,楼面采用水冲洗清扫,室内较为潮湿。 主要气象资料如下: 年平均气温2.4 °c 绝对 齿辊式破碎机技术规范书(最终版) 百度文库进入破碎机的燃煤均经过除铁,但仍可能有少量铁件、木材、矸石和杂物等。 破碎机室内布置,楼面采用水冲洗清扫,室内较为潮湿。 主要气象资料如下: 年平均气温2.4 °c 绝对


齿辊式破碎机技术规范书(最终版) 百度文库

每路输煤系统设1台四齿辊式破碎机,共2台,每台破碎机出力300t/h,破碎机进料粒度≤300mm,破碎后燃料粒度应满足锅炉入炉煤粒度要求,详见2.3.5条目。输煤系统正常 齿辊式破碎机技术规范书(最终版) 百度文库每路输煤系统设1台四齿辊式破碎机,共2台,每台破碎机出力300t/h,破碎机进料粒度≤300mm,破碎后燃料粒度应满足锅炉入炉煤粒度要求,详见2.3.5条目。输煤系统正常


粮油机械—齿辊式破碎机 百度百科

《粮油机械—齿辊式破碎机》(gb/t 34786-2017)规定了破碎机的术语和定义、工作原理、分类、型号和基本参数、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标识、包装、运输和储存要 粮油机械—齿辊式破碎机 百度百科《粮油机械—齿辊式破碎机》(gb/t 34786-2017)规定了破碎机的术语和定义、工作原理、分类、型号和基本参数、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标识、包装、运输和储存要


辊式破碎机 百度百科

齿辊式破碎机 主要采用特殊耐磨齿辊高速旋转对物料进行劈裂破碎(传统 齿辊破碎机 采用低速挤压破碎),形成了高生产率的机理。 破碎设备和磨粉设备在化工厂中具有很重要的 辊式破碎机 百度百科齿辊式破碎机 主要采用特殊耐磨齿辊高速旋转对物料进行劈裂破碎(传统 齿辊破碎机 采用低速挤压破碎),形成了高生产率的机理。 破碎设备和磨粉设备在化工厂中具有很重要的



齿辊式矸石破碎机采用冲击破碎与剪切拉伸相结合的破碎原理,两破碎齿辊采用差速设计,可解决齿辊破碎机难破碎湿粘物料的问题。在设计破碎机的过程中,要 如何选择齿辊式矸石破碎机的工作参数?-齿辊式矸石破碎机采用冲击破碎与剪切拉伸相结合的破碎原理,两破碎齿辊采用差速设计,可解决齿辊破碎机难破碎湿粘物料的问题。在设计破碎机的过程中,要


JB/T 11112-2010 矿用双齿辊破碎机 标准全文

本标准规定了矿用双齿辊破碎机的型式与基本参数、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于破碎抗压强度极限在120MPa以下的中等硬度脆性非 JB/T 11112-2010 矿用双齿辊破碎机 标准全文本标准规定了矿用双齿辊破碎机的型式与基本参数、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于破碎抗压强度极限在120MPa以下的中等硬度脆性非



齿辊式破碎机适用于煤炭、冶金、矿山、化工、建材等行业更适用于大型煤矿或选煤厂原煤(含矸石)的破碎。齿辊式破碎机适用于煤炭、冶金、矿山、化工、建 齿辊式破碎机齿辊式破碎机简介_齿辊式破碎机结构_齿齿辊式破碎机适用于煤炭、冶金、矿山、化工、建材等行业更适用于大型煤矿或选煤厂原煤(含矸石)的破碎。齿辊式破碎机适用于煤炭、冶金、矿山、化工、建


CN211216889U 一种便于更换维护破碎辊的对辊破碎机

CN211216889U CN201921892931.1U CN201921892931U CN211216889U CN 211216889 U CN211216889 U CN 211216889U CN 201921892931 U CN201921892931 U CN 201921892931U CN 211216889 U CN211216889 U CN 211216889U Authority CN China Prior art keywords crushing roller roller main main body wall maintenance Prior art date CN211216889U 一种便于更换维护破碎辊的对辊破碎机CN211216889U CN201921892931.1U CN201921892931U CN211216889U CN 211216889 U CN211216889 U CN 211216889U CN 201921892931 U CN201921892931 U CN 201921892931U CN 211216889 U CN211216889 U CN 211216889U Authority CN China Prior art keywords crushing roller roller main main body wall maintenance Prior art date


Joyal-Roll Translation into Chinese Reverso Context

Translations in context of "Joyal-Roll" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Joyal-Roll Crusher, Roller Crusher, Hydraulic Rollcers Crusher The roller crusher has widely application in the industries of mining, building materials, chemical industry, metallurgy, etc. Joyal-Roll Translation into Chinese Reverso ContextTranslations in context of "Joyal-Roll" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Joyal-Roll Crusher, Roller Crusher, Hydraulic Rollcers Crusher The roller crusher has widely application in the industries of mining, building materials, chemical industry, metallurgy, etc.


CN103399035A 多功能煤样自燃氧化与升温实验装置

Download PDF Info Publication number CN103399035A. CN103399035A CN2013103236825A CN201310323682A CN103399035A CN 103399035 A CN103399035 A CN 103399035A CN 2013103236825 A CN2013103236825 A CN 2013103236825A CN 201310323682 A CN201310323682 A CN 201310323682A CN 103399035 A CN103399035A 多功能煤样自燃氧化与升温实验装置Download PDF Info Publication number CN103399035A. CN103399035A CN2013103236825A CN201310323682A CN103399035A CN 103399035 A CN103399035 A CN 103399035A CN 2013103236825 A CN2013103236825 A CN 2013103236825A CN 201310323682 A CN201310323682 A CN 201310323682A CN 103399035 A


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CN212328582U CN202020673377.4U CN202020673377U CN212328582U CN 212328582 U CN212328582 U CN 212328582U CN 202020673377 U CN202020673377 U CN 202020673377U CN 212328582 U CN212328582 U CN 212328582U Authority CN China Prior art keywords proximity switch protective cover safety device mechanical material CN212328582U 一种物料破碎设备的安全装置 Google PatentsCN212328582U CN202020673377.4U CN202020673377U CN212328582U CN 212328582 U CN212328582 U CN 212328582U CN 202020673377 U CN202020673377 U CN 202020673377U CN 212328582 U CN212328582 U CN 212328582U Authority CN China Prior art keywords proximity switch protective cover safety device mechanical material


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Low Price Used Vibrating Grizzly Feeder,Low Price Vibrating Low Price Vibrating Feeders,Low Price Used Vibrating Grizzly Feeder,Low Price Vibrating Feeders,Low Price Vibrating Feeders For Sale from Mining Feeder Supplier or Manu... vibrating grizzly feeder machine rmf3812Low Price Used Vibrating Grizzly Feeder,Low Price Vibrating Low Price Vibrating Feeders,Low Price Used Vibrating Grizzly Feeder,Low Price Vibrating Feeders,Low Price Vibrating Feeders For Sale from Mining Feeder Supplier or Manu...


CN110180630A 新型单齿辊碎粒机 Google Patents

CN110180630A CN201910404296.6A CN201910404296A CN110180630A CN 110180630 A CN110180630 A CN 110180630A CN 201910404296 A CN201910404296 A CN 201910404296A CN 110180630 A CN110180630 A CN 110180630A Authority CN China Prior art keywords tooth plate tooth discaling roll rack roll Prior art date Legal CN110180630A 新型单齿辊碎粒机 Google PatentsCN110180630A CN201910404296.6A CN201910404296A CN110180630A CN 110180630 A CN110180630 A CN 110180630A CN 201910404296 A CN201910404296 A CN 201910404296A CN 110180630 A CN110180630 A CN 110180630A Authority CN China Prior art keywords tooth plate tooth discaling roll rack roll Prior art date Legal


CN208050034U Google Patents

CN208050034U CN201820125456.4U CN201820125456U CN208050034U CN 208050034 U CN208050034 U CN 208050034U CN 201820125456 U CN201820125456 U CN 201820125456U CN 208050034 U CN208050034 U CN 208050034U Authority CN China Prior art keywords rotation axis pulverization roller pulverizing chamber lithium ion CN208050034U Google PatentsCN208050034U CN201820125456.4U CN201820125456U CN208050034U CN 208050034 U CN208050034 U CN 208050034U CN 201820125456 U CN201820125456 U CN 201820125456U CN 208050034 U CN208050034 U CN 208050034U Authority CN China Prior art keywords rotation axis pulverization roller pulverizing chamber lithium ion


Translation of "Joyal-Roll Crusher" in Chinese Reverso Context

Translations in context of "Joyal-Roll Crusher" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Joyal-Roll Crusher, Roller Crusher, Hydraulic Rollcers Crusher The roller crusher has widely application in the industries of mining, building materials, chemical industry, metallurgy, etc. Translation of "Joyal-Roll Crusher" in Chinese Reverso ContextTranslations in context of "Joyal-Roll Crusher" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Joyal-Roll Crusher, Roller Crusher, Hydraulic Rollcers Crusher The roller crusher has widely application in the industries of mining, building materials, chemical industry, metallurgy, etc.


CN211801088U 一种具有防堵结构的对辊破碎机 Google Patents

CN211801088U CN201921893734.1U CN201921893734U CN211801088U CN 211801088 U CN211801088 U CN 211801088U CN 201921893734 U CN201921893734 U CN 201921893734U CN 211801088 U CN211801088 U CN 211801088U Authority CN China Prior art keywords casing driving motor roll crusher roller shell Prior art date CN211801088U 一种具有防堵结构的对辊破碎机 Google PatentsCN211801088U CN201921893734.1U CN201921893734U CN211801088U CN 211801088 U CN211801088 U CN 211801088U CN 201921893734 U CN201921893734 U CN 201921893734U CN 211801088 U CN211801088 U CN 211801088U Authority CN China Prior art keywords casing driving motor roll crusher roller shell Prior art date


CN203044064U 单辊破碎机 Google Patents

CN203044064U CN 201320035045 CN201320035045U CN203044064U CN 203044064 U CN203044064 U CN 203044064U CN 201320035045 CN201320035045 CN 201320035045 CN 201320035045 U CN201320035045 U CN 201320035045U CN 203044064 U CN203044064 U CN 203044064U Authority CN China Prior art keywords roll jaw CN203044064U 单辊破碎机 Google PatentsCN203044064U CN 201320035045 CN201320035045U CN203044064U CN 203044064 U CN203044064 U CN 203044064U CN 201320035045 CN201320035045 CN 201320035045 CN 201320035045 U CN201320035045 U CN 201320035045U CN 203044064 U CN203044064 U CN 203044064U Authority CN China Prior art keywords roll jaw


CN211801086U 一种具有可调节破碎辊间距的对辊破碎机

CN211801086U CN201921892890.6U CN201921892890U CN211801086U CN 211801086 U CN211801086 U CN 211801086U CN 201921892890 U CN201921892890 U CN 201921892890U CN 211801086 U CN211801086 U CN 211801086U Authority CN China Prior art keywords fixed crushing gear crushing roller backup pad Prior art date 2019-11 CN211801086U 一种具有可调节破碎辊间距的对辊破碎机CN211801086U CN201921892890.6U CN201921892890U CN211801086U CN 211801086 U CN211801086 U CN 211801086U CN 201921892890 U CN201921892890 U CN 201921892890U CN 211801086 U CN211801086 U CN 211801086U Authority CN China Prior art keywords fixed crushing gear crushing roller backup pad Prior art date 2019-11


CN108855338A 一种高效对辊式破碎机 Google Patents

CN108855338A CN201810592697.4A CN201810592697A CN108855338A CN 108855338 A CN108855338 A CN 108855338A CN 201810592697 A CN201810592697 A CN 201810592697A CN 108855338 A CN108855338 A CN 108855338A Authority CN China Prior art keywords wall discharge crusher discharge groove sliding Prior art date 2018-06 CN108855338A 一种高效对辊式破碎机 Google PatentsCN108855338A CN201810592697.4A CN201810592697A CN108855338A CN 108855338 A CN108855338 A CN 108855338A CN 201810592697 A CN201810592697 A CN 201810592697A CN 108855338 A CN108855338 A CN 108855338A Authority CN China Prior art keywords wall discharge crusher discharge groove sliding Prior art date 2018-06


CN216261085U Google Patents

CN216261085U CN202122560665.6U CN202122560665U CN216261085U CN 216261085 U CN216261085 U CN 216261085U CN 202122560665 U CN202122560665 U CN 202122560665U CN 216261085 U CN216261085 U CN 216261085U Authority CN China Prior art keywords roller shaft circular base toothed tooth Prior art date Legal CN216261085U Google PatentsCN216261085U CN202122560665.6U CN202122560665U CN216261085U CN 216261085 U CN216261085 U CN 216261085U CN 202122560665 U CN202122560665 U CN 202122560665U CN 216261085 U CN216261085 U CN 216261085U Authority CN China Prior art keywords roller shaft circular base toothed tooth Prior art date Legal


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CN210646580U CN201921174627.3U CN201921174627U CN210646580U CN 210646580 U CN210646580 U CN 210646580U CN 201921174627 U CN201921174627 U CN 201921174627U CN 210646580 U CN210646580 U CN 210646580U Authority CN China Prior art keywords fixed crushed aggregates roller main shaft storage box Prior art date CN210646580U 一种双齿辊式破碎机 Google PatentsCN210646580U CN201921174627.3U CN201921174627U CN210646580U CN 210646580 U CN210646580 U CN 210646580U CN 201921174627 U CN201921174627 U CN 201921174627U CN 210646580 U CN210646580 U CN 210646580U Authority CN China Prior art keywords fixed crushed aggregates roller main shaft storage box Prior art date


CN212017946U 一种可调节破碎对辊机 Google Patents

CN212017946U CN202020284722.5U CN202020284722U CN212017946U CN 212017946 U CN212017946 U CN 212017946U CN 202020284722 U CN202020284722 U CN 202020284722U CN 212017946 U CN212017946 U CN 212017946U Authority CN China Prior art keywords crushing shaft driving broken roller Prior art date Legal CN212017946U 一种可调节破碎对辊机 Google PatentsCN212017946U CN202020284722.5U CN202020284722U CN212017946U CN 212017946 U CN212017946 U CN 212017946U CN 202020284722 U CN202020284722 U CN 202020284722U CN 212017946 U CN212017946 U CN 212017946U Authority CN China Prior art keywords crushing shaft driving broken roller Prior art date Legal


CN114714099A 一种高耐磨对辊处理装置及使用方法

CN114714099A CN202210394276.7A CN202210394276A CN114714099A CN 114714099 A CN114714099 A CN 114714099A CN 202210394276 A CN202210394276 A CN 202210394276A CN 114714099 A CN114714099 A CN 114714099A Authority CN China Prior art keywords sleeve gear rotate bevel gear supporting plate Prior art date 2022-04 CN114714099A 一种高耐磨对辊处理装置及使用方法CN114714099A CN202210394276.7A CN202210394276A CN114714099A CN 114714099 A CN114714099 A CN 114714099A CN 202210394276 A CN202210394276 A CN 202210394276A CN 114714099 A CN114714099 A CN 114714099A Authority CN China Prior art keywords sleeve gear rotate bevel gear supporting plate Prior art date 2022-04


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CN216260974U CN202122194043.6U CN202122194043U CN216260974U CN 216260974 U CN216260974 U CN 216260974U CN 202122194043 U CN202122194043 U CN 202122194043U CN 216260974 U CN216260974 U CN 216260974U Authority CN China Prior art keywords sides fixed movable motor bin body Prior art date Legal CN216260974U 一种破碎粒径可调的对辊破碎机 Google PatentsCN216260974U CN202122194043.6U CN202122194043U CN216260974U CN 216260974 U CN216260974 U CN 216260974U CN 202122194043 U CN202122194043 U CN 202122194043U CN 216260974 U CN216260974 U CN 216260974U Authority CN China Prior art keywords sides fixed movable motor bin body Prior art date Legal


CN218423262U 一种脱销剂用钙粉生产原料破碎装置

CN218423262U CN202221400579.7U CN202221400579U CN218423262U CN 218423262 U CN218423262 U CN 218423262U CN 202221400579 U CN202221400579 U CN 202221400579U CN 218423262 U CN218423262 U CN 218423262U Authority CN China Prior art keywords displacement crushing calcium powder box body center Prior art date CN218423262U 一种脱销剂用钙粉生产原料破碎装置CN218423262U CN202221400579.7U CN202221400579U CN218423262U CN 218423262 U CN218423262 U CN 218423262U CN 202221400579 U CN202221400579 U CN 202221400579U CN 218423262 U CN218423262 U CN 218423262U Authority CN China Prior art keywords displacement crushing calcium powder box body center Prior art date


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CN216093925U CN202122252193.8U CN202122252193U CN216093925U CN 216093925 U CN216093925 U CN 216093925U CN 202122252193 U CN202122252193 U CN 202122252193U CN 216093925 U CN216093925 U CN 216093925U Authority CN China Prior art keywords bearing plate assembly roller supporting pair Prior art date CN216093925U 一种高压清洁的对辊破碎机 Google PatentsCN216093925U CN202122252193.8U CN202122252193U CN216093925U CN 216093925 U CN216093925 U CN 216093925U CN 202122252193 U CN202122252193 U CN 202122252193U CN 216093925 U CN216093925 U CN 216093925U Authority CN China Prior art keywords bearing plate assembly roller supporting pair Prior art date


CN217166498U 一种对辊式破碎机辊皮在线手动车削装置

CN217166498U CN202221089098.9U CN202221089098U CN217166498U CN 217166498 U CN217166498 U CN 217166498U CN 202221089098 U CN202221089098 U CN 202221089098U CN 217166498 U CN217166498 U CN 217166498U Authority CN China Prior art keywords roll skin turning device plate double Prior art date Legal CN217166498U 一种对辊式破碎机辊皮在线手动车削装置CN217166498U CN202221089098.9U CN202221089098U CN217166498U CN 217166498 U CN217166498 U CN 217166498U CN 202221089098 U CN202221089098 U CN 202221089098U CN 217166498 U CN217166498 U CN 217166498U Authority CN China Prior art keywords roll skin turning device plate double Prior art date Legal


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CN112076828A CN202010979467.0A CN202010979467A CN112076828A CN 112076828 A CN112076828 A CN 112076828A CN 202010979467 A CN202010979467 A CN 202010979467A CN 112076828 A CN112076828 A CN 112076828A Authority CN China Prior art keywords fixedly connected cavity filter screen arc shell Prior art date 2020-09 CN112076828A 一种自动筛分的对辊破碎机 Google PatentsCN112076828A CN202010979467.0A CN202010979467A CN112076828A CN 112076828 A CN112076828 A CN 112076828A CN 202010979467 A CN202010979467 A CN 202010979467A CN 112076828 A CN112076828 A CN 112076828A Authority CN China Prior art keywords fixedly connected cavity filter screen arc shell Prior art date 2020-09


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Translation of "the industries of metallurgy" in Chinese Reverso

Translations in context of "the industries of metallurgy" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Application Ranges of Small Jaw Crusher 1. This series of primary jaw crushers are mainly used in the industries of metallurgy, mine, chemical industry, cement, construction, refractory material and ceramics. Translation of "the industries of metallurgy" in Chinese Reverso Translations in context of "the industries of metallurgy" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Application Ranges of Small Jaw Crusher 1. This series of primary jaw crushers are mainly used in the industries of metallurgy, mine, chemical industry, cement, construction, refractory material and ceramics.



